Thursday 9 February 2012

Dear friends.

Hello there.

I hope you all well. I am sorry for such long absence. I didnt even log on here since last year.
I am always tired. and feel lonely. some of you already know I dont have friends in my country.
even one friend... friends in my country means I am on Facebook. but I cant used to it after all.
Im keep deleting friends and stop my account over 10 times in a year! hahaha.

there are some my old Myspace friends. but I always feel isolated.

And I have started Tumblr from last march. (about an year). Now this blog has around 30 followers.
and on tumblr I have around 1,800 followers. ( I dont think I dont deserved having such huge number of followers at all)

However on tumblr mny people likes my posts. even though they are not my friends and we dont talk.

Sometimes I receive your comments here. and they are so intimate for me.
Actually I dont want to be famous on tumblr at all. even now I sometimes feel why this post got such many of responses ? like "like this" or "reblog from you" ...

However I want to share pics on this blog with more people those who love arts
So I will repost these posts on tumblr.
One of big reason is this blogs pics from Photobuckets link. so Im afraid when these will be removed or deleted by photobucket.

on tumblr I posting from my computer. so if my PC will crashed these pics saved in Tumblr's Server.

Since now I didnt use any pics from this blog to tumblr.
But I want to save them.

I told I dont intend to be tumblr famous at all. now I closed all tumblr's doors.
I mean messages from other users or from anybody. or who liked this post, or who reblogged it,
or how many and who is following me...

Im just posting.

I missed my past posts on here and I miss you ....

this blog will be open so please send me a message tenderly LOL

See you and take care.

kisses and Hugs


This is my tumblr. (sorry nobody can send message to there)
And you can find archive button just right side of title " A man with a past"
you can see all my past posts from this archive. I have posted over 6,000(?) pics so far.
and most of them are my original posts. (not reblog from other tumblr users )


  1. I'm so glad to hear from you my dear Takeo!
    I'll follow you on this site of course. I don't really like tumblr, it's unpersonal. I'm waiting for your wonderful pictures and paintings here! Take care and don't go away once xxx

  2. I've made the animations from two Kaoru Kawano's paintings you sent me :)
    The weather is very cold here, ice and snow everywhere. I'll stay warm don't worry!
