Sunday 27 March 2011

Ernst Haeckel. ( 1834 - 1919 )

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  1. Hellooooo Takeoooooooooooo :O)

    I got a facebook friends request from you in my e-mail in-box, and when I signed in to FB there was no request. Did you join and then change your mind? Maybe it's for the best, I don't use Facebook much anyway, I don't like the site and may delete my account on there soon.

    Are the pictures above Sea Urchins and Sponges? Or are they crafts made to look like them?

    How are things in Tokyo? Are people still worried about the Fukushima plant? I saw on the news some radiation had gotten in to the food and water supply! I hope this didn't apply to you mate! I hope all is well for you, your family and others!

    Take care mate and talk soon! :O)

    - Phil

  2. Hi Phil.
    Yes, I found your page, maybe we had any mutual friend overther. and few hours later I closed fb account again.
    not cancel request. I disappeared again. I tried to get used to there over and over again. but I couldnt.

    its not easy to explain but somehow I felt un comfortable in fb. Im not good at kid of group activities.

    On MS, Me and Phil and me and col was separated. I dont know if you say something about me on colettes page. unless i go to her page.

    But in fb we all have to go each ones page.
    I dont want to see what they are talking?

    I wont back to there and they dont want me to back either lol.

    these pics are not "look like" he paint them not from books or his imagination. this is kind of photographs

    Nuclear problem is so serious for mostly north and east part of japan.

    and we dont trust what TEPCO commanders saying. they tend to hide not good things.
    and we dont have any "WikiLeaks" in japan lol

    anyway we are having a huge damage this two terrible happnings.

    as for me, I feel so depressing and I cant go to hoppital to check after my eye operation.
    power cut is one reason but not so often mostly my mood and mostly it came from death of Myspace.

    anyway, Thank you so much for the comment!
    its still cold and its snowing at north japan.

    Take care and hope you have a good spring!

    Takeo xxx

  3. Takeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :O)

    I understand Takeo, FB can be a little hard to get used to, and this is coming from someone who uses HTML and almost runs his own site! haha And I disagree with what you say, I think Collette and the others would LOVE to talk to you again! All you have to do is write a status saying:

    "My friends! You will have to bear with me while I get used to Facebook! This may take a while! LOL. So I'm sorry for any slow replies! :)"

    Just give it another go Takeo, they do want to talk to you, Anne likes talking to you because you have more or less the same taste and interest in Art! Col likes you, I'm sure Kyoko would chat to you on there too, as would many others from MySpace! Just give it a go, mate! You have NOTHING to lose and old friends to re-connect with! :O).

    I saw that the people in TEPCO were holding back information and may have not maintained the power station! Wikileaks isn't about one country, anyone in Japan who works in the Fukushima station or for TEPCO could leak info. And I'm SURE someone will at some point!

    It's a shame you can't go back to Hospital for a check-up! I know how you feel about not going, some times I don't like going, but some visits you can't put off. So when things are back to normal you should go. Or, you need to push yourself to go.

    Hope things settle in Japan soon and that it warms up for you, it'll make you a little more happy! :O)

    Take care mate and talk soon! :)

    - Phil

  4. Thank you Phil. Yes, You mean like from "Myspace" But actually I have been seeing many people who once dislike fb are now seems fun in overthere. lol. its weird.
    One of my friend called me "Stubborn" lol I know she is right. Now I have still few friends in MS, but they also have another sites. some tumbler or blogger or MyBoomers, FriendsButrst...etc.

    For me, Blogger and WordPress is cool compared to fb and Tumbler.
    I dont like "liked it" Blogger or Wordpress is seems lonely but I can find many of cool stuffs on their blogs.

    I opened fb account again Anne introducing me tons of her friends! hahaha.

    I just visited and check mail and requests.
    Anne introducing them but they know me ? lol

    I went to MS but still seems ghost town.
    It seems everyone have to move fb or anywhere else.
    if they need to connect friends.

    Blogs is cool and good for arts, but not convenient to talk with friends, no?

    as for hospital, I know, I will, its still so cold overhere. I hope spring making change my moods.

    Thank you again Phil.

    Have a good New week too!

    Takeo :D)

  5. I agree! Wordpress and Blogger are better sites! One of the problems with Facebook is there is no blog section, just "Notes". Facebook fosters short conversations because of character limits. I find the site bland, uniform and restrictive. That's why I don't like it, but, even though I know you don't like it, it will do you good to be on there talking to people on a regular basis. :O)

    Anne introduced you to her friends? lol See, you can make friends by friends! Of course, some you will like others you wont. However, just because you don't like them, doesn't mean they wont like you. So when your mind keeps saying "They don't like me, I'm going to leave!" Don't! Because you could be losing some good friends on there. By the way, Anne never introduced me to any of her friends! lol! But I'm not bothered, she knows I don't like FB anyway. As for her friends not knowing you, well, they don't know you. But, that's how you make friends, getting to know them! :O)

    Hope it heats up for you over there, Takeo, Sping here is starting! I have some Dafodlis in flower! I will try and take some pictures for you and "arty" them up! :D

    Take care mate and talk soon! :)

  6. !!!Hey Phil. can you see my blog?
    Blogger can see how many visitors come in a day or week...
    and today only one visitor! from US. They started ignore me? what is only 1 visitor? lol Its awful!

    Its means you live in the US? hahaha.
    This is Blog's problem. we always feel alone and isolated.

    well, in fb, They say to me dont disappear anymore. Damn, I didnt want disappeared.

    One of my American friend once told me,
    "If you know all about me. you wouldnt want to be my friend"

    I quoted this word in my Myspace profile for a long time. she also hated new MS and I dont know where is she now. and I agree with her.
    according to my experience ppeople know me then leave me so far as you know. Yeah Its my problem maybe.

    Fb couldnt together all of Myspace users. although lot of us moved to there now.

    I bet next time I delete fb. I could never be forgave :(

    Now I can not log in fb. its shows error. it sounds like Myspace! hahaha.

    Thank you for visiting from US! hahaha.

    see you very soon Phil!

  7. The U.S.? It must be because the WordPress server is based in the USA. So I can gurantee you, 100%! I am not a Yank! lol. If It's any help I don't get lots of visitors either, most of the people on WordPress visit the celeb/Entertainment sites rather than mine! haha

    "If you know all about me. you wouldnt want to be my friend"

    You know what... nearly everyone feels this way when making friends. It's a normal thought to have. Its just, for people like you, me and you U.S. friend, we have such a low mood because of our illnesses we think it all the time. And it just isn't true. It is true that some people wont like us, maybe even hate us, but that's the same for every other person on the planet. NO ONE is exempt! Remember that!

    I think it is your problem, you spend a lot of your time thinking no one wants to know you and then you push them away using excuses. There is no escaping from it, some people will get to know you and think: "I don't like that Takeo, he likes art that is horrible." or something like that. Just because that person or others don't like you, it doesn't mean you're not a likeable person. Everyone has this problem in life. I managed to upset three people last weekend! One deleted me because I calle dher opinions deranged, the other I have no idea why and the last is a good friend that I pissed off without knowing it. Luckily the good friend came back and said he'd had a bad day. So, there you go! lol

    If you EVER feel like you've had enough of FB, I don't mean during one of your depressing moods when you feel low and start thinking no one likes you, I mean when you're sick of it! Like I am! lol I may deleted mine soon, I'm not sure, I still have a few people on there I can only talk to there. If I do leave and I give them my e-mail, we'll see how many people really DID want to be my friend!

    This Phil saying "Night Takeo" from the UK!!! LOL ;)
