Sunday 13 February 2011

Medieval Town by Water, Karl Friedrich Schinkel. (1781-1841)

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  1. This reminds me the town where I live with all its gothic churches...
    You can post images in the comments on WordPress, just put the URL of the pictures and I will add the HTLM code like on MySpace to make them appear, that's all! :)
    Kisses my dear Takeo

  2. Is there such big gothic churchs where you were living? wow! I seldom see churches.

    Oh I just put Url? not Html, its a different way like Myspace. I will try.

    Have a peaceful sunday Nathalie! xoxoxo

  3. Arigatou Takeo san! Happy Valentine's Day my dear friend! Your picture is on my blog :)
    I live in Rouen Normandy and there's a lot of gothic churches. Do you remember the comment about Monet and his paintings of the Cathedrale of Rouen I sent you on Myspace ?
    Kisses from Nathalie
