Saturday 1 January 2011

Ulysses and the Sirens, John William Waterhouse.


1 comment:

  1. Takeo!!!!!!! :D It was great to see you on my blog! You should drop by more and leave your thoughts on whatever I posted. And remember, they DON'T have to be words. Could be a picture that represents your thougts on the subject! Pictures can evoke thoughts and feelings as well as words! :)

    I think your new site is pretty nifty and MUCH better than the Myspace one. The Myspace one always looked a little messy. Btw, it WASN'T the way you set it out, but the way the Profile theme was.

    I've had a look at the pics and they're typical Takeo! I saw you message that they were "bad taste". Nah, it's art not filth! Actaully, that should be the name of your Site! "It's Art! Not Filth!" great name for a site!

    Talking of site names, do you mind changing my site name on your blog to "Phil" or "DeadAnarchistPhil"? I just don't want some people knowning my full name, mostly because of what I write about, it can upset people. Cheers mate! :)

    Anyway, talk soon Happy New Year! :)
