Saturday 8 January 2011

Hans Bellmer.


1 comment:

  1. Hiya Takeo! :)

    Takeo, can you do something for me? If you're going to send me personal messages then would you send them to my e-mail? I don't like other people reading your personal messages in a blog about Politics! LOL! Can you imagine people coming to my blog to read about Politics and see you talking about how you hate the prez of Myspace? lol. General comments are OK, but personal ones should remain personal and between me and you. OK? :)

    I had a look at the prez of MS Japan,he seems like a typical business man. And I don't think Kyoko would've seen him as a friend, he's a billionaire. Kyoko may have added him when she first joined because he was prez of the Jap version. Either way Takeo, I think you deleted her because you felt insecure and jealous of the Myspace Prez because of your illness. And so you didn't like Kyoko because she was friends with a man you didn't like. It was a silly thing to do, Takeo. Ask yourself, who did Kyoko talk to more? The prez of MS Japan or you? It was you, she probably only ever said hello to that prez.

    I think it will be a loss for Kyoko when she sees you're gone. She gets upset very easily you know? And she's known you longer than me, she will be upset mate! You should add her back or at least send her your e-mail to keep in touch. You have to understand Takeo she is so busy these days, I mean really busy! She works very late and comes home to cook and clean.

    What your doctor said is 100% TRUE! Myspace DIDN'T make you loveable! You're the way you are because you are YOU! It has nothing to do with Myspace, I was the same person I was before I joined and I'm the same after I left! The same can be said about you! A doctor's told you that, and I've told you that, and I'm better than Doctor! You know I'm right mate! :D LOL! Cheer up mate and understand we like you for who you are, not because of Myspace or anything else. I think you just deleted people and push them away because you think they're going to go away in the end or that you don't deserve them as friends. That's NOT the case Takeo! Understand that it's your illness making you that way, OK? Remember that. And if you feel alone, join Facebook, alot of your Myspace friends are on there, and you CAN post paintings on walls, it's easy! It's not as nice as Myspace but the important things is your friends are there! :)

    Take care Takeo and talk soon, I'm ill and off to bed now! Hope I sleep well! :) Byeeeeeeee :D
