Monday 3 January 2011

Alexandre Steinlen. (1859-1923)



  1. Ah...the kiss..:) Just read your status message here. Don't you dare delete your blog. I will notice for sure. You have great taste and you know it. If you get sick of this page..just create another blog without deleting this one. Check my page. I have two other blogs that I just created for you to stalk..hahaha!Muahs!HAPPY 2011! May the blogging continues!;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I dont delete this blog. I wonder why you need to have other blogs?
    I should have other blog for bad tasters. lol

  3. Haha! No...The other blogs you could have certain category of images that you could post. Check my other blogs and you will know what I mean.;)

  4. Yes, I checked your other blogs. those images are lovely as always. This my blog is too much eclectic for ordinary people lol.

    My category is only two. "Good tasted" and "Bad Tasted"
    I mean "in general way". I like kind of "dirty" images. lol.
    sometimes being good tasted is making me bored. hahaha.
    So, If I have other one, its for "dirty" images. LOL)))
