Monday 20 June 2011

The Writing Lesson, Georges Claude. French, ( 1854 - 1922 )



  1. Hi Takeo! How are you, how have things been for you? I haven't seen you about for a while. I sent you a e-mail this week or last week and you haven't answered. If you don't feel like talking at the moment it is OK, I understand. But let me know you're OK. Talk soon and take care, mate! :O)

    - Phil

  2. I'm so sorry Phil. I am very depressed recently. I can not even go to clinic. I dont go out this two month or so.
    I keep thinking quitting FB.
    And I dont even check e-mail more than 2 weeks (maybe)
    Everything dull for me and I dont think I feel much better. without miracle.

    I keep receive friend request on FB but I dont add (except old Myspace friends) and I deleted one of myspace friend. It seemed she dont have interested in my comments at all.

    I hope you are OK Phil. Thank you for your kind message. I dont forget you Phil.
    Just Im in confusion everyday....

    Your friend


  3. Hey Takeo. Sorry you're having a bad time with your illness. I understand, I wasn't too good myself three weeks ago, in fact I was so down it made my UC come back.

    I just hope you feel better soon, and I don't think deleting facebook would do you any good, you should make decessions when you're in a low mood, because you may regret it later.

    Get to feeling better soon, and if you want to talk you can always e-mail me, OK? Take care mate!

    Your friend,

    Phil :O)

  4. Hi Phil. It is midnight here in Tokyo. and Its hot and humid summer seems start. Last summer lot of people died by crazy heat in Japan.

    Facebook forced me talk. you know I have to " like this" or Thank you for beautiful comments" ...etc.
    sometimes it makes me feel tired. You know why I am silence. But others dont know why I am not talk.

    I could be friends without chatting in Myspace.
    But in Facebook I will lose them those who I have made Myspace.

    Well, I hope you feel much better now and it last long.

    Thank you again for your caring. I will write you.

    Have a peaceful evening Phil.

